Thursday, December 30, 2010

Questions for 2011

I haven't done a lot of blogging in 2010, and probably won't in 2011 in all honesty.  But let's pretend that I will make a New Year's resolution and stick with it.  So here's the questions that are vexing me right now that I am promising myself that I will take on in 2011:

1.  The relationship between science and scripture, especially concerning the book of Genesis.  I have my own hints for where this will go with Genesis 1, but it still leaves a lot of other questions open.  Supposing that there is a good resolution for the issue of what Genesis 1 says about creation and what modern science says about creation, what does that mean for the rest of the book?  How about all the other crazy stuff in the first 11 chapters?  When (if ever) does scripture stop being ancient near eastern myth stories, and start being something more akin to a history textbook?  Nevermind.  I guess that's a stupid question.  But I'm going to work on phrasing it better and answering it anyway.

2.  Judgement and Hell.  Can we have one without the other?  Are either real?  Should I go to hell for even asking this question?  Just how far does God's grace extend?  Who gets excluded, and on what grounds?

3.  The relationship between Christianity and other religions.  If Christianity is true, does that make everything else false?  Are adherents of other religions brothers and sisters in a common cause, or dreadfully misled worshippers of demons?  Or, are they just fellow delusionists who need to wake from our common mythological dreamland?  What do I do with the good that I see in other religions and beliefs?

After solving these problems in 2011, I'm not sure that there will be much to cover in 2012.  But I guess the world is ending then so it probably won't matter too much.  So... before the world ends, look forward to the solving of those 3 issues.

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